Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Project Overview -Last-

We have one week left to finish everything. I think I'll finish. Hopefully. The thing is that you need more people to play your characters and everyone is still doing all their work. It's gonna be tuff getting people to work with you at this point or any point.


Narrator recording
Oh recording
Ah recording

These are unedited files of my recordings of Oh, Ah and the Narrator.

I also have my edited file with the voices in the right places and a background music loop going. All I need to put in there are some sound effects which I've got already.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Level

After numerous amount of times re-doing my level in unreal ed, I final was able to produce a map that did crash on me! Yeah! My map is pretty basic, a little dirt and grass here and there with rocks, trees, and grass/plants. Plus a background that tiles across the walls. I did make a cylinder type shape sky box so there is no corners but the picture stretches, and it looks ugly.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Project Overview -4-

I have completed all my animations loops for Oh and Ah. I have a walk, walk-wave, run, angry, stand, crouch, crouch-look, crouch-point, head shake of disapointment, head nod, slap, being hit by the slap, sneeze, and a worship animation. Iv'e put 7 of them in unreal ed and they work. The recording of the narrator, Oh and Ah are done, and the most of the editing of it is finished. I've also pick out some sounds I want to use for the music. It is going to be some sort of bongo/tribal drum background music. I have also done most of my level design as well. I think i will be able to record by next week. I'm confident that I will finish this machinima on time.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Some 3D animations

Ive done most of my animations for Oh and Ah. I only have to complete 3 more. I have done a walk, walk-wave, run, stand, crouch, getting hit, and being angry. I still have to do a worship, slap and sneezing animations. Then i can start animating. Here are some renders of my walk, run and angry animations cycles. I've been able to import my mesh and animations loops in Unreal Ed as well.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Getting towards the crunch point!

Well i have done my final skinnning of my 3d mesh and now i have done two different animation loops. A walk cycle and a run cycle, and ive put them in unreal ed and they work. Plus it looks pretty cool. Now all i have to do is more loops. yay, fun :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Project Overview -3-

I just came off holidays. It was nice, relaxing and lazy. I didn't do any work over them, but i did teach myself zBrush.
I have done most of my 3D content, now i just have to make animation loops for my characters. I also should start making my terrain level in Unreal Ed, but that shouldn't be to hard. I just have to make a flattish terrain will little deformities, and chuck in my static meshes and a Back Drop.
We have 5ish weeks left do finish everything. So I might have to step up a little, but I'm confident that ill finish in time.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Unreal! It's in Unreal!

I finally got my 3d model of Oh into Unreal Tournament. A lot of people had trouble getting this to work. luckily i was able to do it first shot. Now Oh and can around, jump and shoot. He's alive! One of the pictures is in Unreal Editor and the others are in game.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Oh & Ah - Together at Last

I finally made the 2nd texture for Ah. Originally i was just going to change the mask, but if you look at them from the back you wouldn't know who is who. So i changed the colour of Ah's cloth to an orangy colour so you can immediately distinguish between them without having to look at their masks. Click on the image to enlarge.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

3D Content

These are all my 3D content for my stage. I made a bush, two different grass plants, two different trees and a rock. I also made a tube with the texture of a background on the inside. You cant see all of it, but it is basically what you will see in the background. I will place my stage in there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Textured UV Maps

Here are the UV Map textures of Oh. When it comes to Ah's textures i will only have to do new paint for the mask. The dark shadows on the chest and face is from the mask that is on his head. So I saved another picture of his face without the dark mask shadow. (For some reason you might see lines going through the texture. I don't know why that happened, but its not like that).
I also uploaded pictures of my model with the textures on him. I did one render and one non render of Oh. It came out pretty good for my first proper UV mapping. I like it!

Friday, September 7, 2007

More 3D

Here is some more picks of my 3d model. One is the wire frame and polygon count. We have a cap of 500 polygons and mine is under 2000. thats great! and the other pick is just a quick render i did. It looked cool so i thought id post it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This is my animatic for my machinima. This is how I intend on the machinima turning out. I even put a blooper at the end. If I created or not is another story. There probably will be funner moments when i make the machinima. Enjoy!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

UV Maps

Here are my finals for my UV maps. (The unwrapping of the model) One is of the Mask, Bone, Body, Leg and Foot. The other is of the Hands, Spear, Arm, Head, and Cloth. I have started to texture some of them in Photoshop. When I'm finished the texturing i will post them up later. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Project Overview -2-

The animatic is finished. I had to cut down some of my storyboard and script to because it was going longer than i anticipated. I cut down near the end, there is no 'next day' bit, because it wasn't really needed. I just attached the end bit to where I stopped the storyboard. Lucky it fits together. My model is finished and it is UV mapped. All i now have to do is the textures in Photoshop. I've already started but i haven't done that much yet. I've only textured the bone and the front of the mask.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Narrator - We join our tribe brothers here, in the cold, white, boring, winter……………….. Well this is pretty boring, let’s fast forward to spring. (sfx fast forward) Ahhhh, much better. Now, as I was saying, we join our two tribal brothers on their first hunt by themselves. This is Oh…

Oh - (mumbles ‘bradoo’) -waves at camera-

Narrator - …and this is Ah.

Ah - (mumbles ‘mehee’) -wave at camera-

Narrator - They are on their way to the grass fields to go hunting. It’s easy hunting there.
Let me tell you about them a little. – cut to blank background with them just standing there – Oh and Ah are brothers from the tribal village Ohgradop. Oh is the older somewhat smarter brother, and Ah is the younger and, well, the, dumb brother, and by dumb I mean stupid, and by stupid I mean, well, they should make a new word for him, aahhhh let’s call it, dumped. (Ah sighs) They have bones piercings all over there body to identify which family they come from. They get to wear masks as a symbol of adult hood when they turn 20. And for some reason the see me, the narrator, as some sort of God. If you ask me I quite like it, but I’m just the narrator. Anyway let’s get back to the story – cut back to them walking-
So here they are on their way to get food for their village. So they’re not going to want to disappoint their fallow tribes people. They have to walk for a couple of hours more so let’s watch them walk. three seconds later they arrive- Well that was quick. So here they are at the grass fields. Where all animals run freely and do their other animal things that animals do. Ah is excited to be here, aren’t you Ah?

Ah - (mumbles ‘hemahh’) -nodes at camera-

Narrator – To bad its spring and you have hayfever.

Ah – (mumbles ‘waaw!?!’) -starts sneezing-

Narrator – Just joking, hayfever wasn’t invited till 1693. The year is 124, you don’t have hayfever.

Ah – (‘ffwwuuuu’) -sighs in relief-

Oh – (mumbels and grunts random things) -after slapping Ah over the head-

Narrator – Yes he is an idiot Oh. Hayfever, what a dumped. Anyway, get to scouting you two. It looks like they can see some animals for the picking. –They start point- They can see a giraffe (sfx giraffe snarl), and an elephant (sfx elephant cry), ow, and over there’s a lion (sfx lion roar), and a kookaburra (sfx kookaburra laugh), and look, a penguin (sfx penguin qwak) and some wookkies (sfx wookkie snarls).

Ah – (mumbles ‘eh he hawwaaaaya!!!’) -runs onto field-

Narrator – No Ah! You must waaaaiitt! (sfx all animals cry and run away) –Ah walks back-

Oh – (mumbles/grunts) slaps Ah over the head (mumbles/grunts)

Oh- (grunts in anger) –jumps around in anger-

Narrator- Well, it looks like you are going home hungry, the tribe isn’t going to be happy about this.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Model Description & Textures

The mask stretches from the head down to the bottom of the chest. The masks have eye wholes around the eye area to see through. The mask has a wood grain with red, yellow, orange and white decretive paint on it. Old looking leather straps hold the mask to the face. All bones have an old yellow dirty brown colour to them. The skin colour has a dark brown tan to it. The feet are dirty from walking around on bear feet all the time. The body muscles are well defined but skinny enough to see some rib cage and collar bones. Bold head, no facial features just a shadow darkening from mid head to front of face, horizontally, because of a mask. Spear shaft made from ‘wild’ wood and is dirty at the bottom from being used as a hiking stick. Spear head made from chipped rock, with some scratching and dents in it. A little dirty and bloody at the base of the head, bound at the shaft, because it is not an easy area to clean. There is a brown twine rope that holds the cloth up around the hip area as a belt. The cloth is a faded red colour with dust / dirt patches on it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Model

This is the model I have made. He is made of four objects. The main body, the mask, the cloth and the bone. Now for the textures.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Concept Art -2-

Some developed concept art for Oh and Ah. The last picture is the two different masks for Oh and Ah with some colour schemes. Click on images to enlarge them.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Back Story

Oh and Ah are brothers that live in the tribal village Ohgrahdop. Oh is the older brother and Ah is the younger brother. Oh’s mask is the surprised looking mask that looks like he is saying “oohhhh”. Ah’s mask is the happy looking mask that looks like it is saying “aahhhh”. They can’t talk. None of the villages can. They all communicate with grunts and through their life’s narrator. For some reason they can understand and hear his voice, and do things that he says. They think he is some sort of God but really he is just a narrator.

It is custom to have bone piercings all over their bodies to identify different families. Each family member has the same bones in the same places. When a female weds a male the female will change her bone piercings, matching her husband’s as a sign of commitment. You get your piercings at the age of 20 years. Once you get your piercings you get to make a proper mask (kids make them for fun to copy the adults), that stays with you forever. You are even buried with it. You are not allowed to wear someone else’s mask because it is the symbol of your soul, and if someone was to wear it you will switch bodies with them.

The tribe’s main weapon is a spear. Only the males are allowed to carry them. It is a symbol of being the man. Females are allowed to use them for hunting under extreme conditions. The shaft is carved from wood and a sharp sculpted rock makes the spear head bound with some homemade twine. Young teenagers are taught how to use them for hunting. Kids usually go hunting with their fathers when they are younger to gain experience.

The tribe chief wears a bone decretive necklace, and the tribe mask that is passed down from generation to generation. When the mask becomes brittle, they display it in the tribe chief’s tent and make a replicate.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Concept Art -1-

Here are some sketches of my base character. Oh and Ah are based from the same sketches.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Oh & Ah Go Hunting - StoryBoard

This is basically how the machinima will play out.
Click on the image to see the full thing.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Project Overview -1-

My Machinima project is about two brothers named Oh and Ah. They are both in their early twenties. Oh is the older, somewhat smarter brother and Ah is the younger, somewhat dumb brother. The brothers are apart of an ancient African Tribe called Ohgrahdop. You can tell them apart from individual masks the tribe members wear. None of the Tribe members talk, they communicate through the narrator.

The Machinima project story is about these two brothers going hunting. Very strait forward storyline but the story is very quirky and it is narrated. It is going to be a humorous type of machinima and it will be funny.