Thursday, August 23, 2007


Narrator - We join our tribe brothers here, in the cold, white, boring, winter……………….. Well this is pretty boring, let’s fast forward to spring. (sfx fast forward) Ahhhh, much better. Now, as I was saying, we join our two tribal brothers on their first hunt by themselves. This is Oh…

Oh - (mumbles ‘bradoo’) -waves at camera-

Narrator - …and this is Ah.

Ah - (mumbles ‘mehee’) -wave at camera-

Narrator - They are on their way to the grass fields to go hunting. It’s easy hunting there.
Let me tell you about them a little. – cut to blank background with them just standing there – Oh and Ah are brothers from the tribal village Ohgradop. Oh is the older somewhat smarter brother, and Ah is the younger and, well, the, dumb brother, and by dumb I mean stupid, and by stupid I mean, well, they should make a new word for him, aahhhh let’s call it, dumped. (Ah sighs) They have bones piercings all over there body to identify which family they come from. They get to wear masks as a symbol of adult hood when they turn 20. And for some reason the see me, the narrator, as some sort of God. If you ask me I quite like it, but I’m just the narrator. Anyway let’s get back to the story – cut back to them walking-
So here they are on their way to get food for their village. So they’re not going to want to disappoint their fallow tribes people. They have to walk for a couple of hours more so let’s watch them walk. three seconds later they arrive- Well that was quick. So here they are at the grass fields. Where all animals run freely and do their other animal things that animals do. Ah is excited to be here, aren’t you Ah?

Ah - (mumbles ‘hemahh’) -nodes at camera-

Narrator – To bad its spring and you have hayfever.

Ah – (mumbles ‘waaw!?!’) -starts sneezing-

Narrator – Just joking, hayfever wasn’t invited till 1693. The year is 124, you don’t have hayfever.

Ah – (‘ffwwuuuu’) -sighs in relief-

Oh – (mumbels and grunts random things) -after slapping Ah over the head-

Narrator – Yes he is an idiot Oh. Hayfever, what a dumped. Anyway, get to scouting you two. It looks like they can see some animals for the picking. –They start point- They can see a giraffe (sfx giraffe snarl), and an elephant (sfx elephant cry), ow, and over there’s a lion (sfx lion roar), and a kookaburra (sfx kookaburra laugh), and look, a penguin (sfx penguin qwak) and some wookkies (sfx wookkie snarls).

Ah – (mumbles ‘eh he hawwaaaaya!!!’) -runs onto field-

Narrator – No Ah! You must waaaaiitt! (sfx all animals cry and run away) –Ah walks back-

Oh – (mumbles/grunts) slaps Ah over the head (mumbles/grunts)

Oh- (grunts in anger) –jumps around in anger-

Narrator- Well, it looks like you are going home hungry, the tribe isn’t going to be happy about this.

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